Reddit blood bowl 2
Reddit blood bowl 2

reddit blood bowl 2

You always received a gift if you went to their house, even if it was for an afternoon. If you gave them a gift they would either politely refuse or donate itĢ. You could not give them a present, no gifts at birthdays, Christmas, etc. I had a good friend who's family were wealthy and very big on some weird sort of gift giving.ġ. #3 Refusing Getting Gifts And Giving Them To Everyone

reddit blood bowl 2

Her childhood was tragic and very damaging but I love seeing the cute pictures of her with her girlfriend living far away from her awful family. She had a long road to recovery but has gained most function back from what I've heard. Her seat beat failed and she went through the windshield but somehow survived. The wreck killed 2 other people, my old friend was still in highschool and a teacher had been driving while texting on the way to school.

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She ended up lashing out at her parents, having risky sex, and ultimately ended up in a car wreck that caused pretty extensive brain damage. I was a kid who didn't have any other resources to help, she did seem to get a little better once I started giving her the smoothies. I know it's not right to purposely deceive someone into eating something but she was literally fainting from just walking because her body was so weak.

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She had it in her head that smoothies couldn't possibly have a lot of calories. I'm talking I using heavy cream instead of milk type thing. The encouragement didn't work that great so instead I would bring her smoothies loaded with as many vitamins and calories that I could hide in it. I ended up having to teach her sex Ed and encouraged her to eat more. She was scared her controlling parents would check her locker and find them (they did regularly check it, her mom was a coach at the school) so they stayed in mine. She was always happy to be able to use them instead of bulky pads, I gave her the locker combo for my locker and showed her a little baggie of tampons she could get whenever she needed them. They refused to even let her use tampons because they believe it would "deflower" her. They refused to let her attend sex ed and basically told her when the time comes her futures husband's pleasure is the only thing that matters, that he will teach her what to do. She was expected to "take care of the house" despite being the youngest child as according to them god designed women to be housewives. She developed a horrible eating disorder because they told her no one would love her if she was even chubby and that she was "letting the devil win" if she ever indulged. Her parents were raising her to be the "perfect" Christian housewife. We haven't spoken in years but I think about her sometimes. I started inviting her to my house as often as I could just so she could properly shower. She never smelled cause she would rub soap through the bathing suit but she had yeast infections all the time if I remember right. I didn't personally experience this because I left the one time they tried to force me but my friend's parents mainly her super ultra Christian preacher stepfather made her shower with a bathing suit on because he believed the only time you should be naked is when changing or to reproduce/when a man wants sex otherwise you'll be too "tempted by your own lust." and "nakedness invites the devil in." This poor girl hadn't bathed naked in years and we were in middle school. #2 Raising Children In Ultra Religious Way Just cultural differences but it still cracks me up that the most romantic beach walk I've ever had in my life was with an 75 yo something man millionaire.īlowhardyboys86, Joshua Ganderson Report He also made me wear his personal house slippers to be allowed entry into his home. I was originally wielded out by it but when I brought it up to a coworker he said it's just a part of their culture. He then proceeded to hold my hand, interlocked finger style, for the whole walk. As i begin to bring up the deal to be made, he suggests we walk to the beach first, (I was ready to get home, it was Saturday) so we start walking, talking about life etc. I was meeting with an insanely wealthy but also insanely nice Asian man who I had met a couple of times before and we had somewhat of a work type relationship. One day I go to this man's house in laguna Beach, as in his house was ON the beach. Part of my job was meeting with property owners and to close a deal with them. I used to have a job that rented a lot of houses and properties in Southern California.

Reddit blood bowl 2